1. Prom
In case you haven't been paying attention, Marilyn is going all out bttw about it.
Sneak peek:
There was a little confusion about where it was going to be (sorry JW and co) but looks like we'll be promming at 607, as planned.
Also worth noting, I might venture into the world of make-up that night. Yikes.
Get a date, pick up some drinks, get your hair did, and I'll see you there at eleven pm, this friday night.
2. No Meatember
My friend Nikki and I are going to quit meat next month, just to see how it goes. I know Rob did this recently without incident, so I figured I could too. Last night our friend made us this super great fried tofu. I think I can do it, but will probably celebrate the end of the month with that $33 cheeseburger from Brassarie Perrier.
3. (I want there to be a) Trip to Korea
to visit Sarah, but it doesn't look good. Continental doesn't fly there? I can't imagine why.
4. Venn Diagrams
Conrad is supposed to make me a venn diagram of mean things he wants to say about me. I think he might be all talk, but if he does follow through, and if the content doesn't make me too sad/mad, I'll post it.
5. A review of Tropic Thunder
People protested this movie yesterday at the Riverview, because they use the word "retard" too often I guess. It's probably terrible, we're going tonight.
that kelp looks better than a $33 hamburger!
I think you can prob come up with a better term than No Meatember, right? Get on it.
Also - you are looking forward to LAKEVIEW TERRACE. I accidentally typed an N the first time. I wish there was also a movie called Lakeview Terrance.
i support your meatless month, but i must say that i'm back on the meat wagon after ten years of meatless misery and i couldn't be happier. and anyways, all that soy based bullshit is only going to make your boobs bigger and render your ovaries useless. wait...that doesn't sound so bad...
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