I've been making lately, but only a little bit. Here's a teaser:

And, starting last night, I'm going to try out painting clothes I want. You know, instead of buying them. Tiny paintings.
Also, while we're getting crafty, I have about a hundred (not really, but
enough) sets of prints from the 50 states project that happened almost TWO YEARS AGO.

If you don't know about it, go to
Flickr and peruse. Our friends, and friends of friends, are good print-makers/photographers. It was a really fun project - 50 people made 50 5x7(ish) prints, based on a state, then everyone was supposed to come get their set, one of each.

I have lots still, in my basement, and I am not moving with them. So, if you never got yours, or, if you like states, or art, or need to build a fake portfolio to get into art school - this is your chance. Let me know, and I will get them to you. I need your address, or you can come pick them up at my house.
I also have 5 12x12 2009 calendars based on the same concept. They're really nice, but the year is half over. You could have one of those too.