Contents are now contained by Ikea. Everything* fit perfectly into some serious KASSAT - two or three games in each one . I got rid of the old taped up boxes, the worn out or too cheap playing cards, the broken pencils, the filled-out Balderdash cards, Scrabble scoresheets.
Now that I don't hate looking at these, I might even start playing a little more...Othello. Or something. Call me and we can play one. It's been a while since I Stratego'd.
*everything fit beautifully with the exception of "Pente" (too long board) which, which I jammed in, anyway. It's a keeper.
I would love to play stratego.
Let's do it. We should have last night while KK was getting cupcaked.
I know that "cupcaked" probably doesn't mean "wasted," but if it does that's the funniest thing ever. I think I'll start using it anyway.
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