This is Winston, he lives with me now. He's my temp dog, and I'm trying to find him a real home. Does anybody need a big dog? He's VERY good. I'm fostering him through PAWS, so you can adopt him. Come meet him. I call him Big White Dog.
you're allergic to dogs? i know you're "allergic to cats" but you had those retarded puppies growing up. how ever did you manage? [dear melissa, i didn't mean that in the offensive way, i meant it in the literal one. don't be mad at me] [dear beta, you're super cute and funny] [dear sue, i miss you and your awesome ideas]
i don't get an idea of how "big" he is from this photo you have to take a photo of him next to a really alrge cat.
Update: I'm super allergic to Dog, and it seems like he's hurt his back leg. He might have to go back to PSPCA.
ut - oh !
I wish. Jack would eat him.
you're allergic to dogs?
i know you're "allergic to cats" but you had those retarded puppies growing up. how ever did you manage? [dear melissa, i didn't mean that in the offensive way, i meant it in the literal one. don't be mad at me]
[dear beta, you're super cute and funny]
[dear sue, i miss you and your awesome ideas]
i'm allergic to everything.
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