Thursday, December 3, 2009

the other JC

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(Probably like most people) sometimes when I sleep in longer than usual, I have these vidid dreams. Today's was about Jeanne Claude's death (which is real) and all of us sitting shiva for her (which was not real).
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I like them so much, and kind of forgot until she died. Consider these movies about them on my eternal Xmas list.


pinchefresco said...

I'm gonna guess you mean sitting Shiva?

I was sad too. "The Gates" literally changed my life in a very odd and specific way. Plus, it was amazing.

Bangs said...

Yes. Definitely Shiva.

(editing now)

carina romano said...

sorry... but i absolutely hate cristo as an artist.

i guess its ok that some people like their work.

but i dont.

elizabethfrances said...

Sue, how could you forget about them?!
They are just amazing. I absolutely love Christo and Jeanne Claude. Which is totally the opposite of hating.

I think Running Fence will always be my favorite documentary and Gates the only project I ever actually experienced.