Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I've had this sweater since like 9th grade-ish, and I don't wear it tons, but sometimes.
It's from Amvets, has someone else's (coincidentally my high school Algebra teacher's) initials on it, and is generally well-recieved.  It's itchy, but I like it anyways, probably for the air of mystery it denotes.  Also it's a sweater that I've worn and washed perhaps literally a thousand times and is still holding up fine.

Anyway, fourteen years later, I'm realizing/getting honest with myself that I might be allergic to it.  Every single time, it happens.  Itchy eyes, itchy throat.  Time to move on?  I can't decide.


Cory said...

does photographing things makes them easier to get rid of?

Bangs said...

It's supposed to. It's definitely part of the Apartment Therapy purge...

elizabethfrances said...

I think, yes, it does help.