Thursday, November 18, 2010


For Lana.  A wacky outfit.  (I'm particularly drawn to the Warhol one, it just seems most in keeping with the concept).
Also maybe I just like them because I wish I could get my hair white like these models.   It's something I've been working on every night since Friday.  I've taken a LOT of people's advice, and have done about fifteen (really) processes and it's just not getting there.  Try, try again...

I'm supposed to tag people, then you're supposed to do it.  If you don't follow through, it's okay, I didn't know if I would either/we will still be friends. Andy, Amber, Siobhan.


lana bear said...


pinchefresco said...

Wait I don't get it - am I supposed to post a wacky outfit or dye my hair?

For real, I don't know which you mean.

Bangs said...

You can choose Andy, but you must do one.