(my banana froze on the way to work. It's so cold out today!)
Last night we made little delicious pizzas and watched the NBC line up.
Question: What's better, a clips episode, or a rerun?
If you know me, you'll know I like making bets. I like winning bets, but possibly just as much or more, I like making bets. Little guys. $1 bets. The last one I won was against Deven about the spelling of Jeanie in "I dream of Jeanie". I was right.
So, what about money as motivator to do something good? Kind of like when people pay a membership to go to the gym, and part of it is being able to access all the machinery, but I think even more of it is "I paid a lot of money, now I have a responsibility to get my money's worth, AND get skinny".
I kind of want to get involved in a bet, for more than a dollar, about either eating healthy and exercising and getting...less round(?), OR a bet about actually finishing my school application on time or something.
The "get healthy" one would have to have some sort of time period, and rules, and percentages, and weigh-ins like the Biggest Loser, and like a hundred dollars each.
The other one could be more like a reward system. I haven't really worked it out yet. It's more complicated because the people involved in the wager could have different goals/time restraints, etc.
Also, when's my camera gonna come?
4 years ago
Update: camera came. Moments after posting. It's medium crappy, but was $30.
it's Jeannie.
i think conrad likes to make bets about losing weight
You and Deven were both wrong! Mel is right! Two "N"s in Jeannie's name.
Also, I think you're beautiful, but if you come up to me someday and tell me you have achieved your roundness goal, I will give you FIVE American dollars.
Okay okay.
The bet was actually "Is the character from the TV show with a J or a G?" and I won, but I obviously wouldn't have won the real deal spelling competition.
And, update $30 camera: strangely,not great. Return.
i'll make bets about roundness with you. i'm totally going to get fit. (and no, the shred isn't working quite like i had hoped. onto new and more realistic ideas about this.)
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