Tuesday, August 26, 2008

keeping birthdaying

Here's M and I, with our pilot, Stan. He bought us...maybe a million drinks. He liked us medium, and paid for us all night. Thanks, Stan.

Here's Marilyn and I, in the t-shirts we won playing Bingocean.

It's like Bingo, but you yell "OCEAN!". Once, M yelled "OCEAN", even when she didn't really win, because it's hard to tell if you won because they announced the numbers in Spanish.

The bartender was Javier. He got us a million drinks also, some of them were on fire.

Later we went to a different place, where there were dogs.

1 comment:

christophresh said...

when marilyn said you had to yell 'ocean', i thought she said one yelled 'Oh Shit!'